
2020.7 – v1
2023.6 – v2

UI/UX 设计 UI/UX Design


移动 App 界面设计 Mobile app UI design
案例研究 Case study

简介 Brief

背景 Background

Even after a month of practicing barre chords—a guitar playing technique—I still couldn’t get them right. As work got busier, I gradually lost patience.
吉他爱好者 From a guitar learner
My son is genuinely interested in learning piano, but as he’s gotten older, his attention has become scattered. He’s often distracted, thinking about playing games like PUBG.
小学生的爸爸 From a father
After the band broke up, I got busy with other things. Nowadays, I mostly just watch solo videos and rarely pick up the guitar to practice.
前乐队吉他手 From a previous guitar artist of a rock band

访谈 Interview

竞品分析 Competitor Analysis

用户画像和旅程图 User Personas and Journey Map

方案选择 The schemes

流程设计 Workflow

原型设计 Prototype